Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2015



Saya akan menganalisis dengan seorang bisnis dalam mimpi untuk mengembangkan jawaban. saya akan percaya dengna orang yang banyak merencanakan mimpi dalam tidurnya. mereka akan memeperoleh jawaban dengan masa depan yang cerah.

P.S:Insya Allah akan saya buat dalam bentuk gambar.

Sabtu, 04 April 2015



          One day, little girl losed her cat. She tried search her cat  at house around but, she did not find her cat. She asked to every person whom she meets and she found three people to know her cat.
The first person said “ I said your cat sleeping at street root”.
The second person “ I looked your cat sleeping under big tree”
The thirty person “ I watched your cat sleeping on chair in park”
She was very confused where she went because, three areas were very far and need long time to areas but, today more evening and she must came back home.

Can you help her? Where is she going to do? and she can meet her cat fast.